At the start of every semester, we hold registrations. This is a period during which we keep more generous office hours so that you can pop in and register. During the semesters, when registration is closed, you can join at the Curators’ office, see below for opening hours. This is how registration is done:
0Come upstairs and join us in Falurummet. Bring your ID/passport. If you cannot come personally, you can send another person (“proxy”) to go in your stead with a note signed by you saying that he/she may register you.
02 You fill in a registration form, so that future V-Dalings can know that you have been a member. After that, you pay your Nation fee, which is 330 SEK. You can also pay the fee to join the Student Union, currently 80 SEK.
03With everything filled in and paid, you are handed your temporary Nation card, making you free to visit Nation pubs, clubs and all that the Nations have to offer. Done!
04A hectic period awaits! For new members, we arrange (among other things) pub crawls, a proper welcome night and to top it off, a Recentiorsgask. Welcome!